Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Mr. Roper" by Melinda, Jeanine, and Brenda

Mr. Roper’s Seventh Grade

Mr. Roper is one of the seventh grade teachers. He is cooler than you think, He likes the color green because its zombie green. Mr. Roper has so many jokes that might be a little bit cool and a little bit nerdy. He also is one of the best teachers we’ve ever had at Capital School. Mr. Roper was the first guy teacher I’ve had and I’m glad he was. Mr. Roper is mean some times but that is only because he has to be so don’t take it too personal. And that’s why he’s the coolest teacher we had.

We love you Mr. Roper

1 comment:

John Kain said...

That is a great description of Mr. Roper.